


We humans like freedom, but wild animals love freedom too. Wild animals belong to the wild. They don’t belong in a circus. Zoo’s can be educational and bring humans closer to animals, but are often badly maintained and provide poor living conditions.

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Love for Elephants

When you learn just how similar elephants are to us humans, how powerful yet gentle, how intelligent, social and caring, then you notice that they actually possess all of humans’ best qualities and not many of the bad. There is a lot that we could learn from them, but somehow we choose to ignore it […]

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Help Elephants in Thailand

In Thailand there is a little lady with a big heart called Lek Chailert. In 1996 she founded Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai with a goal to rescue as many captive elephants from Thailand’s trekking camps, street begging and tourist shows. To make elephants do what they do for tourists they are stolen from […]

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